I was looking to get this app but I didnt have the $10 to buy it. Then I found it for 99cents on Genius and had to get it.
First, the positives. The instrument editor is fairly complex. It allows you to use pulse waves, noise, triangle waves, and even sawtooth and sinewaves. It even has an appregator and an LFO to rapidly change pitch and volume. The stretchy piano roll is kind of fun, too. You can jump to another measure by pressing the blocks in the sequencer tab.
However, there were a couple negatives. The most disappointing one was that you can only edit 4 instruments PER SONG. Not 4 instruments at a time like most chiptune software on other platforms. This makes it difficult to create a tune with kick and snare noise. Also, the knobs in the instrument editor and the octave slide can take a little getting used to. The TCR, which controls the playback and open/saves files requires touching a tiny button.
Overall, this app is fun, but I dont recommend it for $10 until they add more instruments/ the ability to change instruments on the fly.
Pikko CD about 8Bitone+ MICRO COMPOSER